
Make a difference in your community.

We welcome you to support Commongrounds by making a contribution through The Commongrounds Foundation, our sister 501(c)(3) organization!

Donations can be directed to our organizations' two main initiatives: Accessible Community Programming at the cooperative and Affordable Housing Development by the foundation. Every contribution provides crucial support as we work to make our community better, together!


Let’s do cool stuff together.

PUBLIC PROGRAMMING - Are you looking to serve your community with a new class, event, or activity? Searching for a location to grow your existing offerings and reach new audiences? Host your public program here!

PRIVATE EVENTS - Celebrate with us! We offer a variety of modern, well-appointed spaces that can be rented collectively or a la carte for a range of gatherings and events.


Lend a wing and support the flock!

Volunteer for shifts at Commongrounds to ensure the spaces and occasions that connect our owners and community are the best they can be. Our volunteers are owners with DIY skills, an appreciation for engaging spaces and organized systems, and enthusiasm for assisting the people and businesses that make Commongrounds Cooperative soar.

Current opportunities include: Welcomer & Tour Guide


Invest in Eighth Street, not Wall Street!

When you invest locally in Commongrounds, you don’t just earn a financial return of up to 6% annually on your investment—you also earn a social return for yourself and your community. You are supporting workforce housing; much-needed childcare; access to healthy food, family, arts and wellness programs and amenities; and great spaces for the community to gather. To date, more than 500 people have invested in Commongrounds with a median investment of $2,500. Investment is currently closed for 2024.