A place to be well.
Commongrounds was designed as social infrastructure and a “third place” - a social setting separate from the home and workplace where our community, well, communes. Our building’s common areas offer people of all backgrounds, ages, and abilities an accessible and welcoming place to gather, connect, and simply be.
Commongrounds holds space for integrated and holistic wellness, with an emphasis on physical, environmental, and social well-being. Walkable, bikeable, and overlooking the Boardman-Ottaway River, our building offers diverse opportunities to improve individual and communal health.
Coaching for the health of all things: a private osteopathic practice offering coaching for individuals, physicians, and institutions, as well as a podcast and public wellness programs.
Since 1995, Groundwork has empowered people who want to be part of creating a better Michigan with innovative, local-based solutions that create a clean environment, strong economy, and healthy community.
Culinary Medicine Program
Innovative classes and resources from Groundwork Center teaching medical professionals and laypeople healthier ways to cook and eat. Offered in The Esperance Community Teaching Kitchen, as well as additional partner locations.
Greenhouse Wellness Gym
A physical wellness center overlooking our green roof, the Greenhouse Wellness Gym provides access to exercise space and equipment, as well as the Bird Bath shower room. Currently residents, short term guests, and tenant-owner staff only - Community Wellness Plan launching soon!
Bird Baths
Accessible shower rooms for freshening up after your workout or commute. Currently residents, short term guests, and tenant-owner staff only - Community Wellness Plan launching soon!